Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Other GD-style Elemental Invocations

NOTE: Names given in all caps should be vibrated.

Invocation of The Element of Air
(Also an opening of the temple in the 2=9 grade)

Temple Setup:
-       Altar: 4 elemental weapons, Dagger, Wand, Tablet of Union
-       The enochian tablet of Air in the east.
-       Table with candles to the west (for skrying)


1. Perform the LBRP and LBRH

2. Take up the air dagger, proceed to the east.

3. Draw the invoking active spirit pentagram, vibrating EXARP. Draw the sigil of spirit within and vibrate AHIH.

4. Give L.V.X. Signs.

5. Draw the invoking pentagram of air, vibrating ORO IBAH AOZPI. Draw the Aquarius sigil within and vibrate YHVH.

6. Give the Theoricus grade sign. Proclaim: “By the three secret, holy names of god, I invoke ye, ye angels of the tablet of air!”

7. Repeat 3-6 at each quadrangle moving clockwise.

9. Proceed west of the altar facing east. Give the Theoricus sign and proclaim: SHADDAI EL CHAI! Almighty and ever lasting, ever living be thy name, ever magnified in the life of all! Amen.

10. Place the Dagger back on the altar. Recite:

            In the name of the lord of the universe, SHADDAI EL CHAI!
            And in the name of the Archangel RAPHAEL!
            And by the grace of the Angel CHASSAN!
            And by the power of the Ruler of Air ARIEL!
            Spirits of Air, adore your creator!

            I hereby invoke the forces of RUACH!

11. Recite the 3rd Enochian Key.

12. Proclaim: “I invoke ye, ye Angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the Universe, be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the Light Divine.”

13. Proceed to the northeast. Proclaim: “The visible Sun is the dispenser of light to the earth. Let me therefore form a vortex in this chamber that the invisible sun of spirit may shine herein from above.”

14. Circumambulate as in Opening by the Watchtower.

15. Perform the adoration of the lord of the universe.

16. State intention of ceremony. Do intended work.

To close:

Trace the banishing Pentagrams of Air Vibrating appropriate names in each quarter. Perform the closing by the watchtower.

Invocation of The Element of Water
(Also an opening of the temple in the 3=8 grade)

Temple Setup:
-       Altar: 4 elemental weapons, Dagger, Wand, Tablet of Union
-       The enochian tablet of Water in the west.
-       Table with candles to the north (for skrying)


1. Perform the LBRP and LBRH

2. Take up the water cup, proceed to the east.

3. Draw the invoking active spirit pentagram, vibrating HCOMA. Draw the sigil of spirit within and vibrate AGLA.

4. Give L.V.X. Signs.

5. Draw the invoking pentagram of water, vibrating MPH ARSL GAIOL. Draw the Eagle sigil within and vibrate EL.

6. Give the Practicus grade sign. Proclaim: “By the three secret, holy names of god, I invoke ye, ye angels of the tablet of water!”

7. Repeat 3-6 at each quadrangle moving clockwise.

9. Proceed west of the altar facing east. Give the Practicus sign and proclaim: ELOHIM TZABAOTH! Elohim of hosts! Glory be to the Ruach Elohim, who moved upon the face of the waters of creation! Amen.

10. Place the Cup back on the altar. Recite:

            In the name of the lord of the universe ELOHIM TZABAOTH!
            And in the name of the Archangel GABRIEL!
            And by the grace of the Angel TALIAHAD!
            And by the power of the Ruler of Water, THARSIS!
            Spirits of water, Adore your creator!

            I hereby invoke the forces of MAYIM!

11. Recite the 4th Enochian Key.

12. Proclaim: “I invoke ye, ye Angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the Universe, be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the Light Divine.”

13. Proceed to the northeast. Proclaim: “The visible Sun is the dispenser of light to the earth. Let me therefore form a vortex in this chamber that the invisible sun of spirit may shine herein from above.

14. Circumambulate as in Opening by the Watchtower.

15. Perform the adoration of the lord of the universe.

16. State intention of ceremony. Do intended work.

To close:

Trace the banishing Pentagrams of Water, vibrating appropriate names. Perform the closing by the watchtower.

Invocation of The Element of Fire
(Also an opening of the temple in the 4=7 grade)

Temple Setup:
-       Altar: 4 elemental weapons, Dagger, Wand, Tablet of Union
-       The enochian tablet of Fire in the south.
-       Table with candles to the east (for skrying)


1. Perform the LBRP and LBRH

2. Take up the fire wand, proceed to the east.

3. Draw the invoking active spirit pentagram, vibrating BITOM. Draw the sigil of spirit within and vibrate AHIH.

4. Give L.V.X. Signs.

5. Draw the invoking pentagram of fire, vibrating OIP TEAA PDOCE. Draw the Leo sigil within and vibrate ELOHIM.

6. Give the Philosophus grade sign. Proclaim: “By the three secret, holy names of god, I invoke ye, ye angels of the tablet of fire!”

7. Repeat 3-6 at each quadrangle moving clockwise.

9. Proceed west of the altar facing east. Give the Philosophus sign and proclaim: YHVH TZABAOTH! Blessed be thou! Leader of Armies is Thy name! Amen!

10. Place the Wand back on the altar. Recite:

            In the name of the lord of the universe YHVH TZABAOTH!
            And in the name of the Archangel MICHAEL!
            And by the grace of the Angel ARAL!
            And by the power of the Ruler of fire, SERAPH!
            Spirits of fire, Adore your creator!

            I hereby invoke the forces of AESCH!

11. Recite the 6th Enochian Key.

12. Proclaim: “I invoke ye, ye Angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the Universe, be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the Light Divine.”

13. Proceed to the northeast. Proclaim: “The visible Sun is the dispenser of light to the earth. Let me therefore form a vortex in this chamber that the invisible sun of spirit may shine herein from above.

14. Circumambulate as in Opening by the Watchtower.

15. Perform the adoration of the lord of the universe.

16. State intention of ceremony. Do intended work.

To close:

Trace the banishing Pentagrams of Fire, vibrating appropriate names. Perform the closing by the watchtower.

Earth Elemental Invocation for Scrying

Even though I don't use hardcore Golden Dawn methods as frequently anymore as I used to, I thought I'd post a ritual invocation of earth that was extremely helpful in opening up the earth plane several years ago. I have found that scrying is an incredibly powerful magical tool, and this ritual (as well as the other elements) were helpful to me to learn to scry, as well as directly meet the earth elementals (gnomes) and various angels that rule over earth. It is loosely based on the Opening by the Watchtower ceremony and the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram from David Griffin's Ritual Magic Manual. I also took some inspiration from the prayers in the elemental invocations found in Lyam Thomas Christopher's Kabbalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-Transformation.

Invocation of The Element of Earth
(Also an opening of the temple in the 1=10 grade)

Temple Setup:
-       Altar: 4 elemental weapons, Dagger, Wand, Tablet of Union.
-   You also need a notepad in your temple to write down your experience.
-       The Enochian tablet of earth in the north.
-       Table with candles to the south (for scrying)


1. Perform the LBRP and LBRH

2. Take up the earth pentacle, proceed to the east.

3. Draw the invoking passive spirit pentagram, vibrating NANTA. Draw the sigil of spirit within and vibrate AGLA.

4. Give L.V.X. Signs.

5. Draw the invoking pentagram of earth, vibrating MOR DIAL HECTEGA. Draw the Taurus sigil within and vibrate ADONAI.

6. Give the Zelator grade sign. Proclaim: “By the three secret, holy names of god, I invoke ye, ye angels of the tablet of earth!”

7. Repeat 3-6 at each quadrangle moving clockwise.

9. Proceed west of the altar facing east. Give the Zelator sign and proclaim: ADNI HA ARETZ. ADNI MELEKH. Unto thee be the kingdom and the power and the glory, the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley! Amen.”

10. Place the pentacle back on the altar. Recite:

            In the name of the lord of the universe ADNI HA ARETZ, ADNI MELEKH
            And in the name of the Archangel AURIEL
            And by the grace of the Angel PHORLAKH
            And by the power of the Ruler of Earth, KERUB
            Spirits of Earth, adore your creator!

            I hereby invoke the forces of ARETZ!

11. Recite the 5th Enochian Key.

12. Proclaim: “I invoke ye, ye Angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the Universe, be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the Light Divine.”

13. Proceed to the northeast. Proclaim: “The visible Sun is the dispenser of light to the earth. Let me therefore form a vortex in this chamber that the invisible sun of spirit may shine herein from above.

14. Circumambulate as in Opening by the Watchtower, but instead of a white vortex, imagine a vortex of green and black (colors of earth).

15. Perform the adoration of the lord of the universe.
(Sign of the Enterer) "Holy Art Thou, O Lord of the Universe"
(Enterer) "Holy Art Thou, Whom Nature Hath Not Formed"
(Enterer) "Holy Art Thou, The Vast and Mighty One!
"Lord of the Light, and Of the Darkness" (Sign of Silence on "Darkness")

16. State intention of ceremony: "It is my will to scry the plane of earth and commune with the beings who dwell there."

To scry - simply face south (the astrological direction of earth). There should be a table with candles there. An optional mirror can be there if you want to scry with a mirror. When I did this experiment, I simply did eyelid scrying. How did I do it? I closed my eyes, performed the Middle Pillar Ritual to enter deeper into a trance. I then kept my eyes closed and vibrated the names of the hierarchy of earth, which can be found on the Golden Dawn design for the Earth Pentacle (ADNI HA ARETZ, AURIEL, PHORLAKH, KERUBIM, ARETZ). I then simply let the images come. The key is to not force it. Even if you can't "see" anything in your minds eye, KNOW it is there. Eventually something will come - and faster than you think if you are willing to let go and go for the ride. Remember, you won't see this stuff with your naked eye. It will be in your minds eye - as if you are imagining a landscape you want to paint, only it will come naturally without you forcing it. And this cannot be emphasized enough: DON'T FORCE IT! Forcing visions is little more than ego gratification. If nothing happens, or you haven't entered a good altered state (I personally like E.A. Koetting's description of the "theta-gamma sync"), simply close the temple and try the ritual at a later time when you are more relaxed. 

When scrying, I learned some tricks from other practitioners that can be helpful. First, any entity that is encountered should be tested with grade signs. I find the sign of the enterer and the LVX signs to be very useful. Simply imagine your astral body giving the signs. If the entity cannot return the sign of the enterer, dismiss it immediately. If it cannot return LVX, that's fine - but it's a good clue that you are dealing with a "lower" spirit, such as an elemental or sub-lunar daemon. These entities serve as great tour guides through the planes. When you meet an entity that does pass the LVX sign, you can go through vibrating the heirarchies. Very often it will react when it's true name is spoken. For example, if an entity reacts at PHORLAKH, you can keep vibrating PHORLAKH, and the entity may become easier to see and communicate with.

Some other tricks I learned include self protection. For many cases, if an entity cannot return the sign of the enterer, it will go away on its own. If this doesn't happen, there are steps to take to banish the image or transmute it into something workable. Hebrew letters are great for this. If an image is particularly seductive or distracting, you can project the Hebrew letter Daleth (Venus/The Empress) in brilliant white or green (color of Netzach) flame at the image, which should either banish it or change it's form (I've noticed that sometimes the archangels like to test you with these things too). If an image is aggressive or disturbing, or posing as an obstacle, project the Hebrew letter Peh (Mars/The Tower) at the image in brilliant white or red (color of Geburah) flame. This should dissolve the image. If the methods above fail, or make the image/entity increasingly frightening or aggressive, project the banishing pentagram of earth (always earth, regardless of the elemental plane) in bright blue flame at it. This should not be the first tactic used. If things really go awry, you can always borrow authority. Even though I'm no longer Christian, I find a good old-fashioned exorcism in the name of Yeheshua-Yehowashah works wonders.

When you are at a point where you want to stop, or the entities tell you it's time to leave (remember, this isn't an evocation, you are looking in on THEIR territory), record your results in a notepad that you should have handy and close the temple.

To close:

Trace the banishing pentagrams of earth in each quarter, vibrating the appropriate divine names. Perform the closing by the watchtower + LBRP

In the next blog, I'll post the basic formula for the other elements, as well as the directions you need to face to scry.